Thursday, February 16, 2012

ITAMP Talks APS March March 2012

Aspuru-Guzik, Alan
V28.00004 Nonradiative lifetimes in intermediate band materials -- absence of lifetime recovery
L35.00010 The derivative discontinuity in density functional theory from an electrostatic description of the exchange and correlation potential
V48.00012 Accessing exciton transport in light-harvesting structures with plasmonic nanotip
V34.00010 How much information do ultrafast spectra contain? The case for ultrafast quantum process tomography
T30.00006 Algorithmic Quantum Cooling
J34.00003 2-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Determining the Temperature-Dependent Conformations of Porphyrin Dimers and Nucleic Acids
L36.00002 Study of excitonic energy transport in thin-film J-aggregates
W41.00002 Absence of quantum oscillations in electronic excitation transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
J30.00005 Quantum simulator of an open quantum system using superconducting qubits: exciton transport in photosynthetic complexes
J34.00002 Conformation of self-assembled porphyrin dimers in liposome vesicles by phase-modulation 2D fluorescence spectroscopy
X17.00004 Plasmonic nanotips for spectroscopy with nanometer-scale resolution
W35.00009 Applying state-of-the-art signal processing to time-dependent density functional theory
B7.00002 The Harvard Clean Energy Project: High-throughput screening of organic photovoltaic materials using cheminformatics, machine learning, and pattern recognition
B7.00001 The Harvard Clean Energy Project: High-throughput screening of organic photovoltaic materials using first-principles electronic structure theory
V35.00004 Time-dependent density functional theory for open quantum systems

Cappellaro, Paola

Laumann, Chris 
K1.00283 Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid
D29.00009 Long-range quantum gates using dipolar crystals 
T24.00005 Microscopic Disorder-Based model for non-Abelian Quasi-Particles in $\nu=5/2$ FQH states

Lemeshko, Mikhail
K1.00334 Sensitive imaging of electromagnetic fields with cold polar molecules

Lukin, Mikhail 
D4.00007 Tunable Superfluidity with Ultracold Polar Molecules on quasi-1D Optical Lattices
A30.00010 Towards Probing Living Cell Function with NV Centers in Nanodiamonds
D4.00003 Altering Photon Statistics using Strong Rydberg Interactions
D4.00002 Towards single-photon optical nonlinearities using cold Rydberg atoms
D4.00006 Quantum Magnetism with Polar Molecules: Tunable Generalized $t$-$J$ Model
A30.00006 Decoherence imaging of spin ensembles by a scannable single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond
V48.00012 Accessing exciton transport in light-harvesting structures with plasmonic nanotip
A4.00003 A nanoscale quantum interface for single atoms
A4.00001 A Light-Matter Interface with NV Centers
V4.00013 A Quantum Plasmonic Circuit for Cold Atoms
A4.00002 Probing the motion of a mechanical resonator via coherent coupling to a single spin qubit
D29.00007 Room temperature solid-state quantum bit with second-long memory
D29.00005 Optimizing the resolution and the sensitivity of a scanning NV magnetometer
D29.00003 Quantum interference of single photons from two remote Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond
D29.00010 Magnetic imaging of a single electron spin using a scanning NV magnetometer under ambient conditions
X17.00004 Plasmonic nanotips for spectroscopy with nanometer-scale resolution
W41.00003 Progress Towards Room-Temperature Electron Spin Detection in Biological Systems
D29.00013 Spectroscopy of composite solid-state spin environments for improved metrology with spin ensembles
B4.00005 Coupling a single spin in diamond to the quantum motion of a mechanical cantilever
L10.00003 Quantum optics with solid-state atom-like systems
A30.00005 Cooling Nuclear Spins in Diamond via Dark State Spectroscopy
A30.00003 Quantum Optics with Spins and Photons in Diamond

Mathy, Charles
Z4.00003 Collective mode of an impurity and a Tonks-Girardeau gas

A. A4.00010 An ab-initio microscopic theory of anomalous heating in planar ion traps
D4.00013 Paired Phases of Dipoles in a Bilayer System

Sadeghpour, H.R. 
A4.00010 An ab-initio microscopic theory of anomalous heating in planar ion traps
D4.00013 Paired Phases of Dipoles in a Bilayer System

Weimer, Hendrik
K1.00283 Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid