Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Binding together repelling atoms

Basic chemistry tells us that a bond between atoms can form if it is energetically more favorable for the atoms to stick together than staying apart. This fundamentally requires an attractive force between the atoms. However, new theoretical predictions show that the combination of a repelling force and controlled noise from an environment can also have the surprising effect of leading to a bound state, although one with quite exotic properties. The research team consisting of ITAMP postdoc Mikhail Lemeshko and former ITAMP postdoc Hendrik Weimer* report their results in the journal Nature Communications [1].

How is it possible that repulsion and noise, both two effects countering the formation of a chemical bond, can lead to a bound state nevertheless? To understand this, one has to take into account the quantum properties of the atoms: adding controlled noise to a quantum system can result in an interference phenomenon that traps the atoms in a well-defined quantum state. The repulsive force then ensures that this trapping occurs at a particular distance, which sets the length of the bond. The nature of the novel bound state is strikingly different from their chemical counterparts. For example, the bound state is remarkably robust and can hardly be broken by depositing a constant amount of energy to it.

Lemeshko and Weimer consider one of the most basic and universally available sources of noise: vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. In the past, the techniques making use of these quantum fluctuations have led to dramatic improvements in laser cooling, culminating in the results that were awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics. The authors believe that the first applications of the discovered binding mechanism might be in the area of cooling of atomic quantum gases.

*presently at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

[1] M. Lemeshko, H. Weimer. Dissipative binding of atoms by non-conservative forces. Nature Communications 4, 2230 (2013).

[The attached figure shows the probability distribution of two atoms forming the novel bond. Red color indicating high probability occurs at lines of fixed distance between the atoms.]

Friday, May 17, 2013

ITAMP 2013 DAMOP presentations (Quebec City Canada)

James Babb
4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Room: 400A
Abstract: D1.00131 : Rydberg helium and the helium dimer: Relativistic and retardation effects

Johannes Feist
4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Room: 400A

Doerte Blume
4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Room: 400A
Abstract: D1.00061 : Thermodynamics of systems of aligned dipoles

Doerte Blume
X.Y. Yin
4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 400A
Abstract: K1.00046 : Energy spectra of small two-component Fermi gases in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions

Doerte Blume
Seyed Ebrahim Gharashi
3:00 PM–3:12 PM, Thursday, June 6, 2013
Room: 200A 
Abstract: P1.00003 : Correlations of the metastable branch of harmonically-trapped one-dimensional two-component Fermi gases

Doerte Blume
Yangqian Yan 
4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Thursday, June 6, 2013
Room: 400A
Abstract:Q1.00048 : Finite-temperature properties of small trapped two-component Fermi gases: Tan contact and statistics

Doerte Blume
Janine Shertzer
10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Friday, June 7, 2013
Room: 303
Abstract: U7.00006 : Scattering properties of three ultracold atoms in a cylindrical waveguide geometry
11:30 AM–11:42 AM

Doerte Blume
Arghavan Safavi 
Seth Rittenhouse 
Hossein Sadeghpour
10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Friday, June 7, 2013
Room: 303
Abstract: U7.00007 : Non-universal bound states of two identical heavy fermions and one light particle

Tony Lee
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Mikhail Lukin 
 8:00 AM–9:48 AM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 204
Abstract: Dissipative phase transitions in anisotropic spin models
9:12 AM–9:24 AM

Tony Lee 
Anzi Hu
Charles Clark
10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 202
Abstract: H3.00007 : Long-range spatial correlations in a driven-dissipative system of Rydberg atoms
11:42 AM–11:54 AM

Mikhail Lemeshko
Hendrik Weimer 
2:00 PM–4:00 PM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 202
Abstract: J3.00006 : Dissipative binding of atoms by non-conservative forces
3:00 PM–3:12 PM

Mikhail Lemeshko
Satyan Bhongale
Ludwig Mathey 
Erhai Zhao 
Susanne Yelin 
10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Thursday, June 6, 2013
Room: 200B
Abstract:  N2.00008 : Quantum phases of quadrupolar Fermi gases in optical lattices
11:54 AM–12:06 PM

Charles Mathy
Michael Knap
Eugene Demler
 10:30 AM–12:06 PM, Thursday, June 6, 2013
Room: 202
Abstract: Quantum flutter versus Bloch oscillations in one-dimensional quantum liquids out of equilibrium
10:42 AM–10:54 AM

Swati Singh
Steven Steinke
Pierre Meystre
Keith Schwab 
Mukund Vengalattore 
10:30 AM–12:06 PM, Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Room: 202
Abstract: B3.00007 : Measurement backaction on a spinor condensate from off-resonant light
11:42 AM–11:54 AM

Swati Singh
Adi Pick
Mikhail D. Lukin
Susanne F. Yelin 
 8:00 AM–9:24 AM, Friday, June 7, 2013
Room: 302
Abstract:T6.00003 : Cooling of Nuclear Spins in Diamond via Dark State Spectroscopy
8:24 AM–8:36 AM

Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone
Anatoly Kuklov 
2:00 PM–4:00 PM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 200B
Abstract: J2.00001 : Strongly interacting quantum phases of polarized dipolar bosons in multi-layered optical lattice
2:00 PM–2:12 PM

Arghavan Safavi
Seth Rittenhouse
Dorte Blume 
Hossein Sadeghpour 
10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Friday, June 7, 2013
Room: 303
Abstract: U7.00007 : Non-universal bound states of two identical heavy fermions and one light particle
11:42 AM–11:54 AM

Janine Shertzer
Aaron Temkin
  4:00 PM–4:00 PM, Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Room: 400A
Abstract: K1.00131 : Electron scattering from excited states of H: derivation of the ionization threshold law

Janine Shertzer 
Doerte Blume
 10:30 AM–12:30 PM, Friday, June 7, 2013
Room: 303
Abstract: U7.00006 : Scattering properties of three ultracold atoms in a cylindrical waveguide geometry
11:30 AM–11:42 AM

Friday, April 19, 2013

Quadrupolar atoms and molecules as a new platform to study many-body physics

The ongoing quest on achieving high-density samples of dipolar atoms and molecules aims at observing the exciting many-body phenomena predicted in such systems [1].

In the recent article in Physical Review Letters [2], the authors from ITAMP, George Mason University, and the University of Hamburg, introduced an alternative platform for quantum simulation of many-body systems. The proposed setup is based on nonspherical atoms or molecules with zero dipole moments but possessing a significant value of electric quadrupole moments.

Considering a quadrupolar Fermi gas trapped in a 2D square optical lattice, the authors showed that the peculiar symmetry and broad tunability of the quadrupole-quadrupole interaction results in a rich phase diagram encompassing unconventional BCS and charge density wave phases, and opens up a perspective to create a topological superfluid.

Quadrupolar species, such as metastable alkaline-earth atoms and homonuclear molecules, are stable against chemical reactions and collapse and are readily available in experiment at higher densities compared to the dipolar atoms and molecules.

[1] T. Lahaye et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 72, 126401 (2009); M. Baranov, Phys. Rep. 464, 71 (2008)

[2] S. G. Bhongale, L. Mathey, E. Zhao, S. F. Yelin, M. Lemeshko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 155301 (2013)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Collective Qubits Compute Faster

Quantum computers can solve certain problems much faster than their classical counterparts, but their realization on a scale relevant for practical applications has proven to be very difficult. However, this could change with a new method for solid state quantum computers devised at ITAMP. We report our results in the journal Physical Review Letters.

While controlling single quantum bits ("qubits") is nowadays possible with high precision, the realization of large networks with many qubits remains an outstanding challenge. This is particularly relevant for devices based on magnetic impurities in solid state systems, where the magnetic interaction between the qubits is too weak. However, the research team could now show that this obstacle could be solved by grouping about 100 impurities to form a single collective qubit. When an external magnetic field is chosen correctly, the magnetic properties of the impurities lose their individual characteristics and become indistinguishable due to their quantum nature. Such collective quantum states are known to show drastically increased interaction strengths, allowing to perform faster quantum logic operations between the collective qubits.

While the proposed method is applicable for a large class of solid state qubits, the scientists present a detailed analysis for nitrogen-vacancy defect centers in diamond, demonstrating the realizability of much larger quantum networks. As few as 50 collective qubits are sufficient for immediate applications in the simulation of strongly correlated quantum systems.

Reference: Hendrik Weimer, Norman Y. Yao, Mikhail D. Lukin. Collectively enhanced interactions in solid-state spin qubits, Physical Review Letters 110, 067601 (2013).